

Required Training for Early Intervention Providers

All current and prospective early intervention providers should review the Provider Personnel Standards that outline the training and qualifications that providers should have. 

All providers of early intervention services must complete the Early Intervention Provider Training course, which includes 13 modules plus a final exam. Learn more about each of the training modules here.

Providers that will use telehealth to deliver Early Intervention Colorado services must also take the telehealth training. 

The first step is to sign up for an account** in Cornerstone, Early Intervention Colorado’s learning management system. (You can find detailed instructions on how to use Cornerstone here.)

Learn more about the required training for early intervention providers on this page. 

**If you think you might already have a Cornerstone account, please reach out to Rachel Karas ( or Wayla Murrow ( to have your account reactivated. Please include in the email the name of the training that you are requesting.