

Data Systems for Billing

The Early Intervention data system is used for billing. 

Please review this Early Intervention Data System Billing Guide for step by step instructions for billing data entry.

Early Intervention Colorado services are paid for through a variety of funding sources including Medicaid, CHP+, private health insurance, and/or State and Federal Part C funds. 

Early Intervention providers are encouraged to bill these funding sources in order to contract with a local Early Intervention program/CCB. Under some circumstances providers may be able to still provide Early Intervention services if they do not bill on their own. Each local Early Intervention program/CCB can provide information on billing State and Federal Part C funds.

Questions about the EIST? 

The responsibilities for managing the entirety of the Early Intervention Services Trust (EIST) program resides with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood Accounting Unit’s EIST Program Accountant positions (formerly Southern District Accounting). Local Early Intervention Programs were previously responsible for entering required data needed to create a child’s "Trust Program" within the Early Intervention (EI) data system. The updated EIST process which is reflected in this EIST Process guide will allow the EIST Program Accountant (EISTA) to fully manage the program for which they have oversight and will relieve Local EI Programs of the burden of data entry in relation to children covered under the EIST.

Need help using the EI Colorado Data System? 

This spreadsheet has links to many resources for training and TA related to using the EI Colorado data system and is helpful for answering many questions about using the Early Intervention data system. 

Need support with the Early Intervention data system? 

Please contact Kelly Simmons at or 720.607.7333.