

Data Systems Used for Early Intervention Colorado

The EI Colorado data system is used to securely store data related to information about children and families in the Early Intervention Program, as well as IFSPs and billing. Click here to log in. 

Need help using the EI Colorado Data System? 

This spreadsheet has links to many resources for training and TA related to using the EI Colorado data system and is helpful for answering many questions about using the Early Intervention data system. 

  If you get stuck and need help with the the Early Intervention Colorado data system, please contact Kelly Simmons at or 720.607.7333. 

Need to request a data report?

Please complete this form if you need help with an existing report; if you need the Early Intervention Data Team to pull data for you from UNICORN; or if you need us to develop a new report to support day-to-day operations. 

Have a data system bug to report or a suggestion? 

We rely on your feedback to help us improve, develop, and enhance our Early Intervention data system (UNICORN). Click here to submit a bug report or a suggestion. 

Before submitting a bug report, please check the UNICORN Navigation/Troubleshooting Chatter group and/or the UNICORN Billing Navigation/Support Chatter group to see if the issue has already been logged and if/how it is being addressed.