Mission, Key Principles & Family Rights
The mission and key principles for providing Early Intervention (EI) services are the foundation of how early intervention services are organized and delivered.
The mission and key principles guide all Early Intervention professionals to work in partnership with all the members of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team.
Part C early intervention builds upon and provides supports and resources to assist family members and caregivers to enhance children’s learning and development through everyday learning opportunities.
Key Principles
Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.
All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development.
The primary role of a service provider in early intervention is to work with and support family members and caregivers in children’s lives.
The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs.
IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on children’s and families’ needs and family-identified priorities.
The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support.
Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research, and relevant laws and regulations.
Family Rights
Families involved with the EI Colorado program have rights and procedural safeguards under the federal law to protect them. Families must be informed of these rights and procedural safeguards throughout their time in the EI Colorado program so they can have an active role in the EI Colorado services provided to their family. Your service coordinator is responsible for ensuring you receive and are informed of these rights.
Dispute Resolution
A parent participating in Early Intervention Colorado has specific rights and safeguards to resolve disagreements related to their experience in Early Intervention. A parent or guardian has the right to three methods to resolve allegations that an Early Intervention state or federal statute has been violated. The Local EI Program is responsible for assuring parents' rights to:
- Request mediation at any time to ensure a parent has access to a non-adversarial process for the resolution of their disagreement.
- File a state complaint to resolve a disagreement with a CCB or Early Intervention Service Provider on the identification, evaluation, placement or provision of Early Intervention services.
- Request a due process hearing as a formal procedure to file a state complaint and seek resolution to a disagreement.
To learn more about the dispute resolution process please view this video.
Access the optional Formal Dispute Resolution Form in English
Access the optional Formal Dispute Resolution Form in Spanish