

Early Intervention Provider Personnel Standards and Waivers

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    Early intervention services are provided by qualified providers who meet the state personnel standards for each early intervention service. Early intervention providers are required to maintain current and accurate documentation, including certifications, licensing, endorsements, and registrations. Early intervention providers will register, and update his or her information at least annually, in the statewide data system. A 15 hour Early Intervention Provider Training is required in order to provide early intervention services on behalf of EI Colorado. 

    Early intervention service coordinators act as the initial and/or ongoing contact for families with a child enrolled in early intervention services from the date of referral to transition at age 3. 
    In order to work as a service coordinator applicants must meet one of the following requirements:

    1. A bachelor’s level degree of education; or,
    2. Five years of experience in the field of developmental disabilities; or, 
    3. Some combination of education and experience appropriate to the requirements of the position. 

    A local EI program may require additional experience or education. 

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  • Provider Personnel Standards and Waivers
    Early Intervention Colorado may issue a Standard waiver to an individual in the process of becoming fully qualified to provide EI services. The other two types of waivers are Developmental Intervention-Assistant and Specialized Developmental Intervention. For more information about who is eligible for these waivers and how to request one, please visit the links below.


Early intervention services must be provided by qualified providers who meet the state personnel standards for each early intervention service. 

Early intervention providers shall maintain current and accurate documentation, including certifications, licensing, endorsements, and registrations and shall register, and update their information at least annually, in the statewide data system. 

An early intervention provider shall complete all required training, as defined by Early Intervention Colorado.

View the state personnel standards for early intervention providers. 

View the video below if you are interested in learning more about becoming an early intervention provider!

Be Part of Early Intervention - Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children from Division for Early Childhood.